In Venezuela, abortion is only legally permitted when the pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the pregnant person. In this case, a medical board is requested to rule on the case. In all other cases, abortion is penalized by the Venezuelan Penal Code of 2000.
The Code establishes a sentence of six months to two years in prison for a self-induced abortion.
What are the abortion services available in Venezuela?
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
Medical abortion, with misoprostol and mifepristone, or misoprostol alone
Note: Although abortion is legal in case of a threat to the health of the pregnant person, Venezuelan feminist organizations have no record of any abortions occurring within the legal framework.
Note: Curettage (also called D&C) is an invasive method that involves more risk and days of recovery. International organizations do not recommend it unless it is the only possible option.
Who can provide a safe abortion in Venezuela?
As established by law, health providers with public or private health registration can provide an abortion, after the case has been ruled as appropriate (saving the life of the pregnant person) by a medical board.
Where can I go for abortion services in Venezuela?
MVA and D&C are performed clandestinely in private clinics.
It is recommended to contact feminist organizations that can guide you on how to access a safe abortion.
Note: Unofficially, according to a study carried out in 2017 by the Venezuelan Association for Alternative Sexual Education (Avesa) in 5 health centers in the country, for every four births there was a clandestine abortion.
What is the cost of a safe abortion in Venezuela?
In Venezuela, access to health is universal, public and free. This means that everyone has the right to use health services in all national facilities. However, legal abortions are subjected to the ruling of a medical board, and are only permitted in case of risk to the life of the pregnant person.
On the underground market or through feminist organizations, the abortion pill kit costs between $10 and $200. The price depends on fluctuations in the market and the availability of the pills. In private clinics, clandestine abortion with MVA costs between $250 and $3,000.
Which abortion pills are available in Venezuela?
The most popular brand of misoprostol in Venezuela is Cytotec (from Pfizer). However, a variety of brands can be obtained on the underground market or through feminist organizations.
Where can I buy abortion pills in Venezuela?
Misoprostol is available on the underground market or through feminist organizations. Mifepristone is only available through feminist organizations.
What do abortion pills look like in Venezuela?
In the clandestine and speculative market it is very common to get Misoprostol from the Pfizer brand: Cytotec. Through feminist organizations, the medications found are highly diverse, both mifepristone and misoprostol. They can have different shapes – some brands have a hexagonal shape, others are round and some can be drop-shaped. The color is white in most brands. Some brands may have their name engraved on the side of the pill.
An important characteristic is that they must be pills or tablets, NOT capsules. Each pill usually contains 200 mcg of Misoprostol. The pills can be found outside the blister when delivered in a kit, in the quantity required by the protocol used for the specific number of weeks of the pregnancy.
Cytotec – hexagonal shape:
Cytotec – round shape:
Cytotec – blister:
What are the post-abortion care services available in Venezuela?
The University Clinical Hospital, located inside the Central University of Venezuela in the Capital District, Caracas, is available for post-abortion care.
Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in Venezuela?
Tel: 0412-4721670 / 0424-1930698
You can call or contact them via Telegram: user @lineainfosegura or @lineainfosegurave
Aya Contigo
Application for smartphones and a virtual accompaniment platform that provides information about the process of medical abortion, contraception and SRHR. Aya Contigo was co-created with Venezuelan women and girls and is a private, safe and friendly digital resource to provide support in an empathetic but professional way. It is available in Venezuela in the Google Play store, or can be downloaded directly from this link:
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