Searching for information about safe abortion on the Internet can be complicated. Sometimes, the abundance of sources makes it difficult to distinguish between the truth and falsehood of the data, especially considering that sensationalist and conservative information can cloud the technology gap.

This is how Ally the chatbot was born, a digital tool to help people facilitate the search and obtain reliable information when researching everything related to safe abortion with pills.

Who is Ally, the abortion chatbot?

Ally is a companion for people who have decided to have an abortion with pills or people looking to help someone close to them who has decided to have an abortion with pills.
This adorable character is a chatbot that helps you obtain quick, reliable and personalized information about abortion with pills through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM or the organization’s website,

How does Ally work?

To communicate with Ally the chatbot, you just have to take out your cell phone, save the number +1833 221-2559 (you can just call her “Ally” to be discreet), or open this link that will redirect you to the WhatsApp link in the chatbot.

You can also chat with Ally via Facebook Messenger or our Instagram DM. If you are from a country where abortion is penalized, we advise you to use Ally on the website, as it is more secure and your chats cannot be retrieved. To access Ally on the website, a chat window with Ally’s icon will automatically appear on the lower right side once you go to the website.

Ally works from any mobile device or computer with internet access, and the best thing is that you can use it anywhere in the world.

What are the characteristics of Ally?

Ally the chatbot, in addition to being a useful digital tool, also works as an unconditional friend, as it will be there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of whether it is holidays. It is the ideal confidant because everything you ask her will remain private and she will never judge you; Ally will simply support you with facts and well-founded data that is non-stigmatizing.
On WhatsApp, Ally has a voice feature that allows you to listen to the information Ally shares in addition to texts.

Plus, Ally is a polyglot; you can chat with her in English, Hindi, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swahili!

What can you chat about with Ally?

Some of the information Ally can provide you with about abortion with pills includes calculating weeks of gestation, how to use abortion pills, what to consider before, during, and after an abortion, where to seek additional support in your country, and when to seek medical attention if necessary.

Ally The chatbot is a friendly and easy-to-understand tool, ideal for all countries, both where abortion is legal and where it is still criminalized, because with just a couple of clicks, Ally brings access to abortion to many people.

Additionally, Ally is available for interested organizations to integrate, free of charge, into their websites to provide abortion assistance to all of their users. These organizations can contact us for more information at

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